Contact Us

Masonic Lodge Venue hire for weddings, reunions and other formal occasions
If you are interested in joining this fraternity, or would like more information about Myora Lodge or Freemasonry in general, email  us and arrange to meet some of our members for a no-commitment chat. They will  suggest you meet some of the members following one of our monthly meetings.  You can be assured our members will welcome you as a ‘brother’.

Current Lodge officers (for year 2019 - 2020)

Worshipful Master Wor Bro Roger Brady
Immediate Past Master  Wor Bro Stephen Lewis
Senior Warden Wor Bro Fox
Junior Warden Bro David Howarth
Chaplain Wor Bro Herb Snide
Treasurer Wor Bro Gordon Gibson
Secretary Wor Bro Stephens
Director of Ceremonies VWor Bro Rod Wilson 
Deputy Director of Ceremonies Rt Wor Bro Rod Wilson
Senior Deacon Wor Bro Ted Gallaway 
Junior Deacon Bro Wilson
Almoner To be appointed
Organist Bro Keith Redman PDGOrg
Inner Guard Wor Bro Gordon McInnes
Steward Wor Bro Patrick Kennedy
Tyler To be appointed