Message from the Wor.Master

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

April 2019

 Outback Adventure Brisbane to Augathella Lodge Installation for Brethren and Ladies. THURSDAY, APRIL 11 – Drive to ROMA stay Aussie Tourist Park, Phone: 4622 6464 FRIDAY, APRIL 12 - CHARLEVILLE stay Cosmos Country Inn, Phone 4654 2499
SATURDAY, APRIL 13 and 14 - AUGATHELLA Lodge Installation Saturday 14th - staying at the Palms Motel, Phone: 0411 545 194
SUNDAY, APRIL 14 – Visit to Outback Station lunch by the Nive River
MONDAY, APRIL 15 – Drive to Roma over-night stay at Aussie Tourist Park.
TUESDAY, APRIL 16 – Return to Brisbane
Further Info Contact - Roger Brady 0419 738 429 Or Steve Cook 0403 001 990

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasionMarch 2019

Brethren Ladies and Friends of the Lodge. This month many of us will be travelling to Augathella Lodge to attend their Installation. We will be accompanied by members of Bayside Lodge, Thespian Lodge, Logan Beenleigh, Leaving Brisbane on Thursday, April 11 for a drive to Roma where we stay overnight.

 Friday takes us to Charleville for another night's stay. During this stay we will amongst other things visit famous Charleville Observatory.
Saturday morning we leave for Augathella and Lodge No 319 Installation Meeting. Ladies are invited to the Festive Board.
On the Sunday Steve and Joan Cook have been invited to bring the travelling party to an Outback Station for a BBQ lunch by the banks of Nive River.
Monday 15th April we head back to Roma for the evening and on Tuesday 16th we head back to Brisbane.

Myora Lodge will still be having their usual Regular Meeting on Friday the 12 April and our IPM WB Gordon McInnes will be in the chair.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

February 2019

Brethren and Ladies I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and New Years break. Welcome and Fraternal Greetings to WB Pat Kennedy. Pat it was great to see you back in Lodge and we hope you will attend when ever you can. Thank-you Zena for your constant support, it is appreciated by all of us. We started the year off with a First Degree Emulation which was carried out very well by the Officers of the Lodge. We also had a Breakfast Get Together which proved to be very popular amongst the Members and Ladies.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

September 2018

1 SEPTEMBER Lodge Wooloongabba Installation Eight Mile Plains Centre, Building 21, 2404 Logan Road. Date and Time to be confirmed.
5 SEPTEMBER Quarterly Communications ANN Street Brisbane
8 SEPTEMBER Moreton Lodge meeting. Tyle 6:30[m
10 SEPTEMBER Bayside Daylight meeting. Tyling 9:45am
14 SEPTEMBER Myora Meeting. Catch the 12:55pm Water Taxi from Cleveland
15 SEPTEMBER Caboolture Lodge Installation Tyling 4pm. 5 Dux Street Caboolture.
29 SEPTEMBER Gathering of the Clans at the Royal Pines Resort Benowa Gold Coast Tyling 1.30 pm. Scottish Ritual First Degree And Re-enactment Of Auld Scots Degrees.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

August 2018

11 AUGUST Myora Proclamation. Brethren the Ladies and Visitors will be invited into the Lodge to witness the full Ceremony. Bring your friends along. Cost is $25 for Men and $10 for Ladies. Catch the 8:55am Water Taxi from Cleveland. We should be back in Cleveland by 4:30pm.
13 AUGUST Bayside Daylight Lodge meeting at 9:45am Capalaba Centre.
18 AUGUST Tuscan Installation at the Wynnum Centre Tyling at 4:30pm.

The Snowball continues to roll....
Dear Brethren,
Now and then Freemasonry discovers its roots, essence, brotherly love... call it what you want.  Today 13 August, was such a day at Bayside Daylight Lodge. Thank you one and all.
Please find enclosed a short publicity item named FROM LITTLE THINGS.
If a group of us will head out west... should we tow the UGLQ trailer?
Cheers from
Chaplain Stig of Thespian Lodge # 268.

The WM of Myora Lodge WB Stephen Lewis then with the Treasurers permission donated $1000 too. It was moved and Seconded by the Brethren to go ahead. This appeal was proposed in July to call on the members to assist when we next met in August to get the approval of members.  When the farmers dont come to town the town Suffers including those who end up having Depression and Mental Anguish, this in itself has a Domino (Snowball) effect of a different kind, often bringing distress, grief and heartbreak.

Out of the blue another Brother stood up the IPM of Moreton Lodge WB Laurie Boss who pledged a donation of $200 subject to approval of his members. WB Bob Ferguson Lodge Secretary delivered the cheque the next day. Thus the SNOWBALL EFFECT had begun in earnest.
Another donation of was $1000 received from Thespian Lodge #268. A Sincere Thank you to their WM Barry Scott and WB Ken Corley (Master Elect) and your Brethren.
Then WB Wilf Knock from Logan Beenleigh Daylight Lodge #536 pledged a Donation of $1000, again subject to the approval of their Members.  WB Keith Dyer from Bayside Daylight Lodge made a private donation of $500 towards the appeal. Lodge Woolloongabba  #140 at their September meeting (Installation) donated $1000.
And so the Snowball gathered further momentum as it grew bigger.
Brethren if you had been in the Lodge you would have been moved by the Sincerity displayed.
The Tears of joy and awe could be seen around the Lodge as Freemasons openly displayed that virtue known as CHARITY (CARITAS). There is plenty of hay on the way to the farmers for the cattle and sheep.  It’s the human misery and sadness that we are concerned about.

Donations to date Total of $5,700.

Should you want to make a personal Donation or consider contributing to the Snowball Appeal contact the Secretary of Myora Lodge WB Roger Brady on 3286 6625 or email
OH What a day it was ..... Brethren continue to Enjoy your Freemasonry..... We are.
WB Stephen Lewis Myora Lodge #517

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

July 2018

5 JULY Thespian Lodge meeting at 10am Stones Corner Centre.
6 JULY Business meeting for Myora Brethren at Roger Brady’s home. Starting at 9:30am.
7 JULY Grand Proclamation Ann Street Starting at 4:15pm
14 JULY 3rd Degree for Bro John Redman, son of Bro Keith Redman (PDG Organist). Keith’s son is a Member of Mt Egmont Lodge in New Zealand and will be doing his 3rd Degree at Moreton Lodge at Wynnum. Lodge Tyles at 5:30pm. Ladies are welcome to attend the Festive Board.
17 JULY Logan Beenleigh Lodge Installation 9:30am at Beenleigh Masonic Centre.
21 JULY at Lowood Lodge 3rd Degree after a John the Baptist Banquet Tyling 2:30pm Ladies welcome.
24 JULY Lodge Wooloongabba Tyles 10am at the Eight Mile Plains Centre, Building 21, 2404 Logan Rd
28 JULY Lodge St Andrew (Scottish Lodge) has a Proclamation Tyling at 3:30 pm at Stones Corner.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

June 2018

 8 JUNE Myora Business meeting will be held at Alexandra Hills Hotel at 11:30am and afterwards we will have Lunch with our Ladies.
16 JUNE Installation Lodge St George jointly with Lodge Silver Cross at Stones Corner Tyling at 3pm.
16 JUNE now for Something Different. At 8:30am Lodge St Andrew are having a Social Clay Pigeon Shooting day at Brisbane Sporting Clays, 296 Mount Petrie Rd, Belmont. Raising money for our Masters chosen charity of Spinal Injuries Australia. Cost $100 which includes your charitable donation. A short safety talk, then under instruction we can take to the Range. Guns, ammunition, clay targets and safety glasses are provided, although you need to bring enclosed footwear and a driver's license (or shooter license).
Interested email me >> Or call me on 0401200088. 
23 JUNE Installation at Kianawah Lodge Bro Jared Wilson is the Master Elect. Jared is the son of our DC VWB Rod Wilson. Tyling at 3:30pm at the Wynnum Centre and the MW Grand Master MWB Alan Townson will be in attendance. Cost $25 and Ladies are guests of the Lodge.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

May 2018

1 May Kianawah Lodge Wynnum Tyle 7:20pm. 
4 May 3rd Degree Practice at Myora. 8:55am water taxi. Sandwiches Supplied. 
11th of May meeting we will be doing a Third Degree for Moreton Lodge on Bro Luke Costa, at our Myora Meeting. 
12 May Thespian Lodge Stones Corner trying a Saturday Meeting Tyling 10am. 
12 May Moreton Lodge Installation of Bro Courtney Keim 4:30pm Wynnum Centre.
Ladies are guests. Festive Board $25. 
14 May Bayside Meeting Work to be confirmed at their upcoming Installation. 
19 May Dunellan Lodge Installation 4:30pm. Bro Craig Blanch is going into the chair. Festive Board $25 Ladies are Guests of the Lodge. 
22 May Euclid Lodge Installation at the Kedron Centre Tyling 9:45am.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

April 2018

Hope you all had a great Easter Week-end.
 I welcome the members of Myora Lodge to join me in my visitations. Val and myself will be at attending the Lodge of Sorrow at Kianawah Lodge on Tuesday 3 April Tyling at 7:15pm at the Wynnum Masonic Centre. Ladies Welcome.
6 April Myora Practice a 3rd Degree Emulation. Catch the 8:55 am Water Taxi.
Val and I will be attending the Bayside Daylight Installation of Bro David Howarth, at the Capalaba Library Building on Monday 9 April 2018 Tyle Time is 9am. Festive Board is $25 and the Ladies are Guests of the Lodge. Catering by Jobs Daughters.
Friday 13th we are doing an Emulation of the 3rd Degree at Myora. Please come along and enjoy the ceremony.
At our 11th of May meeting we will be doing a Third Degree for Moreton Lodge on Bro Luke Costa. 14 April Moreton Lodge are doing a 2nd Degree at Wynnum Tyling 6:30pm.
Tuesday 17th I will be attending the Vacant Chair Ceremony at Logan Beenleigh Daylight Lodge Tyling at 9:30am.
21 April Tuscan Lodge at Wynnum will be doing a 2nd Degree Tyling at 6:30pm.
23 April Dunellan Lodge at Stones Corner are having an Anzac Day Ceremony and Presentation “1918: The French Orphan and # 4 Squadron, Royal Aust. Flying Corps.
4 May Practice a 3rd Degree. Catch the 8:55 am. Water Taxi. Sandwiches Supplied.

February 2018

Don’t forget our Regular meeting on Friday 9 February which will be a Lodge of Sorrow for Peter Banach.
1) Kianawah Lodge Tuesday 6 February are doing a 1st Degree Emulation at the Wynnum Centre 7:20pm.
2) Moreton Lodge is doing a 3rd degree on Saturday 10 February at the Wynnum Centre 6pm.
3) Bayside Lodge is doing a 3rd Degree on Monday 12 February at the Capalaba Centre 9:30am.
4) Dunellan Lodge is doing a 1st Degree as done way back in 1860. This will me a most interesting meeting on Monday 26 February at Stones Corner at 7:15pm.
I will be asking our Secretary WB Rodger Brady to contact the Secretaries of Redlands Lodge and Bayside Daylight Lodge to consider doing a Combined 3rd Degree at Myora for our March or May Meeting.

At a Later date we will then Invite Woolloongabba Lodge and Thespian Lodge to join Myora in a combined meeting.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

January 2018

Happy New Year to you and your family.

May God Bless us all with Peace, Good Health and Happiness
I welcome the members of Myora Lodge to join me in my visitations.
Val and I will be attending the Seafood night at Camp Hill Lodge on 20 January at 6pm.
Hope to see some of the Myora Members and family at the Woolloongabba BBQ on
Australia Day Friday 26 January at the Eight Mile Plains Centre at 11:30am for 12 Noon.
The BBQ area is located by driving past the Lodge (Building 21) and you will see us there.
Bring a salad or desert. All meat supplied.
RSVP Bob Falconbridge if you are coming
Phone 3391 3366 or Email

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

December 2017

The year is flying past quickly.
a) Myora Ladies Lunch at Alexander Hills Hotel Tuesday 5 December 11:30am for Noon.
b) Grand Lodge Ann Street Quarterly Communications 6 December at 7.30pm.
c) Thespian Christmas Meeting Saturday 9 December Stones Corner 9.30am Ladies Welcome.
d) Thespian Lodge Double (twin brothers) 2nd Deg for Thespian Sydney. Ladies Welcome. Prepay $20 to Secretary Eric ph 0421 876 705.
e) Moreton Christmas meeting Wynnum Saturday 9 December at 6pm Ladies Welcome.Dunellan f)Ladies and Brethren social lunch Sunday 10 December Carina
Leagues Club, 1390 Creek Road Carina opposite Meadowlands Road at 11:30am for Noon.
g) Bayside Daylight Monday 11 December at Capalaba Tyle 10:30am Brethren Note Smart Casual no ties. Ladies are guests. Festive Board $25   
h) Camp Hill Lodge Stones Corner Monday 11 December at 7:30pm Ladies Welcome.
i)St George Lodge (our AGSW's Lodge) Ladies Welcome. Lecture on
Rosslyn Chapel Scotland. Tyle 7pm.
(contact Roger Klopp if staying for Festive Board Men $25 Ladies $15
j) Tuscan Lodge Wynnum Centre 16 December a 2nd Degree Tyling 6:30pm
k) Dennistoun Theodore Unmack Meet Thursday 21 December Stones Corner 7:15pm.

A special thank you to Zena Kennedy for keeping our website up to date.
Drive safely over the Christmas New Year period
May God Bless and keep us all in good health and happiness

Fraternal Greetings to all
Stephen Lewis

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

November 2017

I would like to thank all visitors for their attendance and particularly Wor. Bros Corley and Knock for participating in the ceremony. I would also like to thank Brethren of Myora Lodge for attending other Lodges during the past month.

Fraternal Greetings to all
Stephen Lewis

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

October 2017

A wonderful day was had by all at the Thespian Lodge Installation on the 5th October.
 At the Myora regular meeting we did an Emulation of the 1st Degree followed by a sumptious Festive Board.

Coming up on Saturday 21 October at 3:30pm is the Installation of WB Wayne Williamson PDGM who along with his wife Elaine attended our Installtion. Val and I will be there along with WB Bertwhistle and Jeanette, WB Roger Brady and Desley.
On Saturday 28 October Val and I will be visiting the Lowood Lodge for their Installation. The Lodge is on the corner of Church and John Street, Lowood and Tyling 4:30pm. Ladies and children are guests of the Lodge. Brethren $25.
Brethren please remember that Visitations to other Lodges is very Important to keep the bond of friendship going for both Brethren and our Ladies.

Myora Work for November, December 2017 and February 2018.
A) November Meeting a 1st Degree Educational followed by a 1st Dgree Lecturette.
B) December Meeting a talk on "The Lewis" by WB Neil Bertwhistle. No meeting in January at this stage.
C) February Meeting a Lodge of Sorrow for WB Peter Banach.

1) First Sunday in December (the 3rd) 11am for Noon. Laurie and kitty will supply the BBQ. The WM of Moreton Lodge WB Laurie Boss and his wife Kitty have invited us to their home for a Christmas Lunch Social. They have built a home on the new estate at Owens Street, MARBURG.

We could make a convoy of cars to go out to Marburg. BYO and bring a plate of salad or a desert to share. For catering purposes please let me know if you are coming.

2) First Tuesday in December (the 5th) is our Myora Thank You Ladies Social Lunch. It is at our usual venue the Alexander Hills Hotel. 11:30 am for Noon. Thank you all for your continued support and well wishes.

Fraternal Greetings
Stephen Lewis.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

August 2017

Hi Brethren,

Brethern all the feed back from the Visitors Re: our Installation were Positive and heart warming. Presently I am visiting all the Lodges who attended, and reminding them of our Meeting days and what work we will be doing at our next meeting.

On Monday 11 September in the morning I will be at Bayside Daylight Lodge and in the evening I will be visiting Celtic Of Ethica Lodge (the Grand Masters Lodge) at Kedron.

Val and I will be attending the Installation of Bro Hamish Kerr at
Stones Corner Tyling at 3pm on Saturday 23 September.

Grand Lodge will be in attendance.

Val and I will also be attending the Installation of RWBro Wayne Williamson Past Deputy Grand Master, and a Member of Lodge Tullibardine, along with his wife Elaine who graced us with their
 presence and words of Wisdom.

The Installation will take place at Stones Corner on Saturday  21 October Tyling at 3:30pm. You have to book and pay for your  tickets in advance as no tickets will be available at the door on the

 A Scottish Banquet  will be had, and tickets can be purchased for $30 for men, and the ladies (No Charge) are guests of the Lodge.

Tickets can be purchased by depositing $30 into the Wayne Williamson account at Suncorp.

Details are BSB 858-484-799.
Account 079067167
Payment must be received by 15th October for catering purposes.
If you have never attended a Scottish Installation, then this is your opportunity. Make sure that the bank notes your names on the deposit form.

Work for our October meeting will be an Emulation of the First Degree.

Thank you all for your support and well wishes

Fraternal Greetings

Stephen Lewis.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

July 2017

Hi Brethren,

August sees me say farewell as Worshipful Master, it has been a privilege to serve. I appreciate all the help and support I have received over the past year.

It is now time for all of us to pledge our full support for our Master Elect Stephen to make his year as enjoyable as mine has been.

I hope to see you all at our Installation practice on Friday 4th.August leaving  Cleveland  at  7:55am

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

June 2017

Hi Brethren,

The Wor. Master thank all visitors for their attendance today and also  all the Brethren of Myora who visited various Lodges during the month, it is always good to see visitors and to do our bit.

Also a big thank you to Wor. Bro. Neil Bertwistle on presenting the Volume of the Sacred Law to a Candidate.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

May 2017

Hi Brethren,

Our meal was enjoyed by all as it was a cold night and we all needed a bit of warming up. Everyone commented on how good it was, I will pass this on to the caterer.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

April 2017

Hi Brethren,

Another enjoyable meeting this month. It is so good to welcome new visitors.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

March 2017

Hi Brethren,

Thank you to Wor Brother Patrick Kennedy for his demonstration on CPR and going through the use of the Automatic Defibulator.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

February 2017

Hi Brethren,

On the 21st February we had a handful of brethren come over to the island for a working bee. So much got done, the bollards were removed and we continued with the screen fencing. Once again a very big Thank you for all your work.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

January 2017

Hi Brethren,

Another year has gone by. Welcome to 2017. I am looking forward to seeing all Brethren and their families over the coming year, not only at our meeting but at our social gatherings.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

December 2016

Hi Brethren,

Can you believe that we are nearly at the end of 2016. I would like to wish all Brethren and their families a very Merry Christmas and please take care on the roads if you are travelling over this busy time. I am looking forward to 2017 and enjoying more enjoyable meetings with fellow Brethren.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

November 2016

Hi Brethren,

This month I wore two hats the one of Worshipful Master and the other of President of the North Stradbroke Island Marine Rescue. As the President I was pleased to accept a cheque for $2000,00 which was jointly donated by Hand Heart Pocket the Charity of Freemasons Queensland and Myora Masonic Lodge No. 517 which contributed toward the installation of a cabinet to house our base radio equipment.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

Octber 2016

Hi Brethren,

I would like to thank all visitors for attending this month it was an enjoyable evening after the Lodge opened in the First and was then called of, with 3 speakers gave a short talk on their walk through life and their experiences in Freemasonry also life in general. The Lodge was then Called on and resumed in the First Degree.

It was with great pleasure that I presented a Certificate and Jewel to Wor. Bro. Bertwistle with his Past Master’s Jewel also the accompanied Certificate and thanked him and his wife Jeanette for their  fine contribution to the Lodge.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion

September 2016

Hi Brethren,

I would like to thank all members and visitors for your support at my first meeting. We all enjoyed Wor Bro. Neil Bertwistle narrating a poem called “ the Apron “
I will attend Bayside Daylight Lodge 12th September 2016.
This will be a Fraternal Visit in order to retrieve “The Mullet “ held by Bayside Daylight for some time.

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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
August 2016

Hi Brethren,

In handing the Masters Gavel over to Worshipful Brother Gordon McInnes, I am sure the lodge will continue to move forward.

For the Brethren who have taken office, we pledge our full support and hope you enjoy your term as much as I have.

I am looking forward to being your Director of Ceremonies again, so I can still assist in promoting this unique lodge.


Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion As the Incoming Worshipful Master I would like to say that Neil has been a great master of the lodge and with the help of the very skilled brethren in Myora lodge I will endeavor to maintain the high standard in the lodge


Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
July 2016

Hi Brethren,

As my term of office has all but finished, I would like to thank you all for allowing me the privilege of serving you as master of Myora Lodge.

I thank you one and all for your continued support which made my year so enjoyable and rewarding. It would be remiss of me not to mention our behind the scene lady who so willingly gave up her time in adding to our website and producing invitation cards etc. "Well done Zena".

We all must pledge our full support for our Master Elect Gordon to make his year as enjoyable as mine.
See you at our Installation practice on Friday 6th.August leaving  Cleveland  at  7:55a.m.


Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
April 2016

Brethren All,

April was a first degree ceremony with John O'Hallaren as our candidate and Ian Hill and Ken Corley helping out. I also had the pleasing duty of  presenting  a 40year distinguished service  Jewel to  Wor.Bro.Gordon Gibson which was well received and well deserved: well done all.

Next month 13th.May we will try the second degree ceremony with the work being allocated. We will need a substitute S.W. as Stephen is required for Moreton Lodge installation practices.

I intend visiting Moreton Lodge installation of Bro.Laurie Boss. Laurie has been a great supporter of this lodge and I would like as many as possible to join me at 4pm. on the 14th at the Wynnum Centre.

It has been bought to my attention that the quality of the food  at our meetings appears to have dropped off. I will attend to this matter and report back.

See you all on the 6th. and 13th.
Thank you for your continued support.


Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
March 2016

Hi Brethren,
At the March meeting we had eight members and six visitors to witness a third degree exemplefication with the help of some visitors-most enjoyable. We missed Pat Kennedy ,Alan Taylor, Gordon Gibson and Peter Banach and hope to see them all next month.
I had the pleasure of investing Wor.Bro. John Willet with a thirty year distinctive service jewel and lapel pin-surprise ! surprise ! which was well-deserved and well received. With the ever willing help of Zena Kennedy we have placed an advertising sign in our lodge hall, in the Stradbroke Flyer and the bus to see if we can find some new members. Our work for April is an exemplefication of the first degree and I would like ALL members to attend the management and rehearsal on Friday first of April, even if you have no specific duty to perform. Thank you for your continued support.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
February 2016

Hi Brethren ,
Once again the February meeting was most enjoyable with seventeen brethren and visitors present. We are getting very efficient at opening and closing of the lodge in the three degrees and the calling off and calling on . Well done fellas. I hope you all enjoyed my presentation and explanation of the Lewis as did our AGSW who was most impressed.
Congratulations to Wor.Brother Peter Banach and Brother Keith Redman on receiving their forty and thirty year distinctive service jewels: Surprise! Surprise!
Our thoughts were with Steve and Val Lewis, James Richards, John and Beverley Willet and Gordon and Marion Gibson with these brethren absent on the day and we hope all are on the improve.
On another note it appears the same fellas are doing most of the work regarding our festive boards preparing, serving food and drink and raffles and cleaning up etc. Your attention to this matter would be appreciated. See you all in March.
Thank you for your continued support.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
January 2016

Happy New Year dear Friends and Brethren. I hope this year finds you healthy and enjoying yourselves wherever you may be.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
December 2015

Hi Brethren,
A most enjoyable December meeting with 12 members and 8 visitors present to witness a Masonic quiz, presentation of 7 service lapel pins and some light trivia at the festive board. We missed James Richards and John Willet and we wish them well. It was great to see Alan Taylor back with us again. We also give our support and best wishes to Pat Kennedy with his op on the 16th.December. I will be unable to attend lodge for the January b.b.q. Meeting ( fishing at Fraser Is.) On behalf of Jeanette and myself we wish you all a Merry Christmas and health and happiness for the new year. Regards, Neil

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
November 2015

Hi Brethren
Our Christmas gathering is just around the corner at Alexandra Hills Hotel on the 8th Dec. 11.30am for 12:00 noon, members and guests invited to attend. Our December meeting, we intend to have a LODGE EDUCATION NIGHT with the emphasis pertaining to a MASONIC QUIZ.
In January we will be having our annual B.B.Q. at the Centre after our meeting, everyone is most welcome. Our front fence is just about complete as shown in our photos on the News page.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
October 2015

Hi Brethren,
Another enjoyable meeting on the 9th.Oct. with 11 members and 5 visitors to witness a well presented exemplefication of the with the help of David Howarth (candidate) Ian Hill (inner guard) and John  Willet (i.p.m.). Well done fellas.
We miss the following Brethren due to ill-health; Wor.Bro.Taylor,VeryWor.Bro.Richards and Wor.Bro.Kennedy and hope they are on the improve.
Our new supplier of festive board meals again treated us to a well received hot meal-well done Ricky.
Look forward to seeing you at the next management and rehearsal of the meeting on the 6th.Nov.
Kind Regards and good luck
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Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
August 2015


August 2015

Well,what a great first up meeting we had on the 11th September with the help from Wor.Bro.Wilfred-Nock as acting secretary and treasurer and Bro.Ian Hill as inner guard.
Well done to the officers in their positions; Pat, Herb, Gordon and Ray. We were saddened to hear Wor. Bro. Alan Taylor had a heart attack on the morning of our meeting and wish him a speedy recovery.

We also missed the following absent brethren: V Wor Bro Richards, Wor  Bro Gibson, Wor Bro Brady and Wor  Bro Willet. We congratulate Wor.Bro. Alan Taylor on his being elevated to Past Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.

We tried a new meal provider which we all gave a thumbs-up. I hope you are all well and look forward to seeing you at the next management and rehearsal meeting on the 2nd October. Good luck and kind regards Wor.Master Neil Bertwistle

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