
Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
October 2019

Our practice was held on Friday 4th October Meeting 11th October 2019.
Exemplification of the First Degree.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
September 2019

Our practice was held on FRIDAY 6th September. We caught the 7:55am Gold Cat.
Our meeting went through Up and Down the Three Degrees.
Breakfast at Cleveland R.S.L. for wives and brethren on Sunday 29th was a fine and friendly affair

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
August 2019

The Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Myora Lodge have now been installed. Photos are coming soon
Wor Bro Roger Brady PGStbBr was invested in the Board to the Chair as Worshipful Master. The following Officers were invested into their respective positions for the year 2019 ---- 2020.
Immediate Past Master :- Wor. Bro.Stephen Lewis; Senior Warden :- Bro.Chris George; Junior Warden :- Bro.Ray Wilson; Chaplain :- Wor. Bro. Herb Snide; Treasurer :- Wor. Bro. Gordon Gibson; Secretary Wo:r Bro Ian Stephens-; Director of Ceremonies Wor. Bro.Neil Bertwistle CSM;Senior Deacon Wor. Bro. Edward Gallaway PDist.GStwd;  Junior Deacon :- Wor Bro David Howarth:- Dep. Dir. Of Ceremonies :- V. Wor. Bro. Rodney Wilson:-; AlmonerWor Bro Shaun Fox; Organist :- Bro. Keith Redman PDGOrg :- Inner Guard :- Wor. Bro. Gordon McInnes; Steward Wor. Bro. Patrick Kennedy; Tyler TBA

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
July 2019

The first PRACTICE for the INSTALLATION on August 10th  was our task for the day.
A working bee was held on our Practice day Friday 5th July, we caught the 7:55 am Gold Cat to Stradbroke Island. Lunch was provided.
The Ladies Luncheon was well attended.
The Wor. Master congratulated Wor Bro. Bertwistle and Bro. Redman on attaining the Conspicuous Service Jewel at the Quarterly Communications recently.
Sadly VWB Lobley passed away peacefully on 25th July 2019. He was a past Member of Myora Lodge
We would also like to send a speedy recovery to Wor. Bro. David Howarth who is in  Greenslopes
Hospital  with a heart problem.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
June 2019

A busy month. A working Bee was held on Friday 7th June in lieu of our Practice. We caught the 7:55 Gold Cat Ferry on the day. Lunch was provided to the workers.
Due to an Entered Apprentice visiting  we concentrated on Aspects of the First Degree.
Also decided on the election of officers for 2019 / 2020 as per Myora Lodge by-laws.
A Luncheon will be held at the Alexander Hills Hotel on Thursday 18th. July. To commence at 11:30 am.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
May 2019

The Worshipful Master, W Bro Gregory Reid invites all freemasons (Fellowcraft and
Above) to an evening of further Masonic Education to be held on Saturday the 1st of June
2019 at the Booval Masonic Centre, 9 Eileen Street, Booval.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
April 2019

Happy Easter. It was a small and quiet meeting as many of our members were absent  because they were attending an Installation at Augathella together with members of other Lodges.
Worshipful Brother Gordon McInnes chaired the meeting in the absence of Wor. Bro. Lewis who was attending the Installation at Augathella.

We hope that all ANZAC events around Queensland were poignant and memorable. Lest we forget.

Our Worshipful Masters wife Val, has had two operations and further treatment is necessary immediately. We wish her a speedy recovery and have sent a bunch of flowers to brighten her day.
Just a reminder that there is a working bee on our Practice day Friday 3rd. of May, we will catch the 7:55 am Gold Cat to Stradbroke Island. Lunch will be provided.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
March 2019

A letter of thanks from fellow Brethren of Caboolture Lodge

Very early Friday morning VW Geoff Miller and I travelled down to WB Neil Bertwistle home at Albany Creek and then to pick up W B , Herbie Snide at his place and then off to catch the ferry at Cleveland to Myora Lodge on Stradbroke Island, and the beginning of a great day of Masonic Fellowship.

For the Brethren who have never made the effort to attend the meeting for what ever reason take my advice and give it a go it's terrific, unfortunately WB Don Trenaman and WB Vern Olive couldn't make the visit as they were involved with other Masonic Duties so it was up to VW Geoff and myself to wave the Amigos flag on the day. Over twenty Freemasons gathered at the assembly point at Cleveland and then ferry whisked us all off overseas to the Island, where we were met by a bus and another twenty five minutes we were at the Myora Temple and what a wonderful Masonic centre it is.

A bit after 10am the Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master Stephen Lewis the usual Lodge business was carried out then under the leadership of the Master and his officers a second degree practice was preformed in a most professional manner thoroughly enjoyed by all in the Temple. The Lodge was eventually closed and we all adjourned next door to the South for a fantastic festive board fit for a King, plenty of wonderful raffles and interesting conversations by many of the Brethren present. Then back on the bus and another few minutes boarded the ferry for a leisurely cruise to the Cleveland jetty, after disembarking from the ferry all the twenty slightly weary Brethren said our farewells to one another and promised we would meet again in Lodge where ever and when ever possible.

WB Neil then fired up the engine of his very flash 4x4 Dual Cab utility and then WB Herbie, VW Geoff and I headed back into the traffic and onwards to Albany Creek. On arriving at WB Neil's place VW Geoff and I said our farewells and hit the road home to Caboolture and a hot cup of coffee. Nearly forgot to mention WB Neil suggested that it may be an idea next time if we hired a plane and flew to Lodge to avoid the huge amount of traffic in and around Brisbane during peak hours. I think he may have been joking but would be a great idea all the same, I would start to panic a bit if WB Herbie was behind the controls, sorry Herb I've heard about the way you drive a car in the traffic.
Cherrio for now ,
Amigo WB Norm Shuttleworth.
Caboolture Lodge.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
February 2019

An enjoyable lunch was held on Macleay Island with Brethren and ladies.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
January 2019

Happy New Year to all brethren far and wide. We hope you have had a wonderful break.
The Worshipful Master Stephen Lewis and brethren are looking forward to another year of fellowship and visitations.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
December 2018

The Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Myora Lodge wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and may we keep the Christmas spirit throughout the year.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
November 2018

In April there is going to be a trip to the outback. Stay tuned for the flyer on dates.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
October 2018

More maintenance has been done on the Lodge and grounds. It is looking very welcoming.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
September 2018

Plans are being made for a trip to Augathella. Stay tuned and find out more about the dates and times.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
August 2018

At the Myora Proclamation Stradbroke Island Saturday 11 August 2018, an event that brought tears to my eyes occurred. Inside the Lodge were Brethren, Ladies and visitors were present to witness the proclamation ceremony.
I am talking about more than just Charity and Kindness...... i am referring to AGAPE, the highest form of Love. Agape is more than Philia (Brotherly Love) because it embraces a universal, unconditional love that transcends all obstacles and hurdles regardless of circumstance, in this case Hardship brought about because of Drought.
The WM of Bayside Daylight Lodge WB David Howarth announced that their Lodge was going to vote on Donating $1000 to a Masonic Lodge out West in this case Augathella Lodge #319 to assist Brethren and the Local community. E.G. the shop keepers, the kids, families, staff at Supermarkets etc. a proposal put forward by WB Jim Sullivan.  WB Toby Brown, the Secretary of Augathella Lodge #319 is a retired farmer who will make sure the money goes to those in need.
WB Peter James then proposed that a car convoy drive out to Augathella and the St George District to hand over the first donations and to spend money in the surrounding towns. WB Steven Cook offered to arrange accommodation. Unfortunately the Augathella Lodge does not meet in September.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
July 2018

Roger and Desley Brady are back from their trip to America and Roger
gave a short talk on their experiences and the Ex Masonic Lodge building they
discovered in Florida

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
June 2018

Gordon and Marion Gibson have returned from their trip to China
Their tip is to take along a knife and fork if you intend going to China Cutlery is scarce over there.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
May 2018

Please mark in your calendar  the Proclamation at Myora Lodge on Saturday 11 August
the Ladies and the public will be invited into the Lodge to see the full ceremony
This has never been done in the past and should generate a lot of interest More renovations will have be done at the Lodge especially the toilet block Donna Shannon the lady who runs weddings etc on the Island leases part of the building from us Myora, 14 December Christmas Meeting will be held at the Macleay Island Bowls Club
All are invited to come along and join us.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
April 2018

All the visitations have been updated on the Worship Master message page. Please have a read and see if you can make any of these dates.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
March 2018

It is with regret to inform you that Danni Hartley wife of Wor. Bro. John Hartley sadly passed away on the 9th. The funeral will be held on Wednesday 14th. March at 1:00 pm at Alex Gow’s Funeral Parlour, 4/17 Middle Street Cleveland (corner Waterloo and Middle)

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
February 2018

A former member John Hartley's wife Danni is still very ill, and if those of you who know John will you please call around and see them. 

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
January 2018

Happy New Year to all brethren far and wide. The Worshipful Master Lewis and brethren are looking forward to another year of fellowship and visitations.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
December 2017

Wor. Bro. Bertwistle gave a comprehensive talk on the LEWIS, he also demonstrated the lifting ability of several types which some are still used in industry today and had made some wonderful models.

  •  Are you ready for the Christmas Celebrations? What ever you are doing over this holiday season we wish you all well and stay safe. Take care on the roads and enjoy this time with family and friends. There is no meeting in January so we shall see you all in February

Practice for the February meeting is Friday 2nd. February 2018 at the Myora Masonic Temple. Members are requested to attend this important practice.
We will catch the Gold Cat Ferry at 8:55 am. The Secretary will print out all material for this Ceremony.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
November 2017

How did we get to November so quickly? I can imagine that everyone is busy organising Christmas celebrations. What ever your plans are, drive safely over the Christmas and New Year period.
Don't forget Myora Ladies lunch, Tuesday 5th December 11.30am for Noon


Worship Master Stephen Lewis has many visitations in the following few weeks. If you would like to attend any of these head on over to see the visitation list.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
October 2017

Coming up on Saturday 21 October at 3:30pm is the Installation of WB Wayne Williamson PDGM who along with his wife Elaine attended our Installtion. Wor Master Stephen Lewis and Val along with WB Bertwhistle and Jeanette, WB Roger Brady and Desley.


WB Laurie Boss and his wife Kitty have invited us to their home for a Christmas Lunch Social, on the 3rd December 11am for noon
They have built a home on the new estate at Owens Street, MARBURG. We could make a convoy of cars to go out to Marburg. BYO and bring a plate of salad or a desert to share. For catering purposes please let WM Stephen Lewis know if you are coming.

Don't forget the 5th December is our Myora Thank You Ladies Social Lunch. It is at our usual venue the Alexander Hills Hotel. 11:30 am for Noon.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
September 2017
  • We are already half way into September and Wor Master Lewis is continuing his visitations mainly to thank the Brethren that came to our recent Installation. 
  • A former member John Hartley's wife Danni is very ill, and if those of you who know John will you please call around and see them. I know that Wor Bro Pat Kennedy is keeping in touch with them and we thank you Pat.
Please mark your calendars for our Christmas Dinner get together with the Ladies of Myora Lodge. 

It will be held at our usual venue the Alexander Hills Hotel on Tuesday 5th December at 11:30 am for Noon Lunch. 

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
August 2017

The installation of Worshipful Master Stephen Lewis went down well with many visitors attending.

The meal was delicious and the entertainment interesting, a Scottish song was sung by WB Jack McLeod from Woolloongabba Lodge. Stig Hokanson and Kevin Roberts from Thespian Lodge along with their wives entertained us, with their rendition of  Blue Hawaii and other Hawaiian songs.

Bro Howarth sang a beautiful song that touched our hearts. He was accompanied by Music Maestro General Redman who played the organ.

Later in the day Kevin also gave us a Pigeon English version of the Three Little pigs.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
July 2017

  • We are pleased to report that Wor. Bro. Patrick Kennedy is out of hospital after spending over a week and a half  in the Respiratory ward. 
  • Don't forget Saturday August 12th is our installation. We would appreciate help setting up on the Friday if you can spare the time.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
June 2017

  • We wish Wor. Bro. Taylor's wife Florence a speedy recovery after her stroke. 
  • Wor. Bro. Patrick Kennedy enjoyed a very interesting 5 day holiday. Spending 2 nights sailing to Sydney, 2 nights in Sydney and then heading back on an old Railmotor.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
May 2017

  • The progress of the screen fence is going well, thanks to all the helpers. 

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
April 2017

  • Thank you to all the people that came for the working bee. The fence is getting lots of compliments.
  • A minutes silence was held for a previous member of the Lodge, Wor Bro Bob Eadie also Mrs Blanche Keene the wife of Wor Bro Mel Keene, a member of Thespian Lodge

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
March 2017

  • Thank you to Wor Brother Patrick Kennedy for his demonstration on CPR and the use of the Automatic Defibralator. 

  • A WORKING BEE will be held on Tuesday 21st. March to continue with screen fence.

It would be appreciated if all able MEMBERS could assist.
Lunch will be supplied. Catch the 7:55 ferry  from Toondah Harbour. Further info contact the Wor. Master.

  • NOTE :- Due to Easter Friday falling on April 14th. we have brought back  our meeting date to 7th April 2017.

Tuesday 14th March 2017 - Bursary recipients receive money to assist with their tertiary studies...

One of the recipients was Michaela Brady, grand daughter of Wor. Bro. Roger Brady she was presented with a Cheque for $1000 dollars by the Grand Master together with 15 other recipients.

Michaela is studying two Degrees at the University of Queensland ie Bio Medical Science and Music.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
February 2017

  • A big thank you to all the turned up to the working bee. Our Lodge is looking very modern.
  •  We are looking forward to next months meeting. Wor. Bro. Patrick Kennedy, who is a retired paramedic will give us all a demonstration on how to use our Defibralator, if an emergency occurs. There will also be a practice on resuscitation.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
January 2017

  • A very Happy New Year to all. The Worship Master Gordon McInnes wishes you a healthy and memorable  year.
  • A working Bee will be held on Tuesday 21st February to remove bollards and continue with the screen fence. LUNCH will be supplied from Lodge funds. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Catch the 8:55pm ferry from Toondah Harbour.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
December 2016

  • A Christmas Function was held at Alexander Hills Hotel where 23 Brethren and Ladies attended. It is always an enjoyable time of year to celebrate.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
November 2016

  • A Memorial Service was conducted for our late Member Wor. Bro. James Richards and was attended by members, visitors and their wives. 
  • Wor. Bro. Roger Brady presented a cheque for $2000:00 jointly donated by Hand Heart Pocket the Charity of Freemasons Queensland and Myora Masonic Lodge No. 517 to Wor. Bro. Gordon McInnes, who is President of the Nth. Stradbroke Island Marine Rescue,  which contributed toward the installation of a cabinet to house their base radio equipment.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
October 2016

  • Everyone is enjoying the earlier start and thus getting home earlier.
  • Three members of the lodge gave an interesting short talk on their walk through life and their experience in Freemasonry and also life in general. Thank you Bro. Redman, Wor. Bro. Bertwistle and  Wor. Bro. Brady this was enjoyed by all.
  • A Memorial Service will be conducted for our late Member Wor. Bro. James Richards. at the next meeting and we would also like to extend the invitation to the ladies as well.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
September 2016

  • This was the first meeting with the earlier start . Don't forget tyling starts at 2.15pm which means catching the Gold Cat at 12.55pm,
  • A poem was recited by Wor Bro Neil Bertwistle called "The Lambskin" A copy of it is at the bottom of this September post.
  • The Worshipful Master has arranged for a Christmas function to be held at Alexandra  Hills  Hotel on Tuesday 6th December 2016. 11:30 am for 12:00 noon. 
  • The Worshipful Master would like to say the "Mullet " back is back after we stormed Bayside/Daylight Lodge on Monday 12/9
  • The Lambskin
    A Poem by Edgar A. Guest
    It is not ornamental, the cost is not great,
    There are other things far more useful, yet truly I state,
    Tho of all my possessions, there's none can compare,
    With that white leather apron, which all Masons wear.

    As a young lad I wondered just what it all meant,
    When Dad hustled around, and so much time was spent
    On shaving and dressing and looking just right,
    Until Mother would say: "It's the Masons tonight."

    And some winter nights she said: "What makes you go,
    Way up there tonight thru the sleet and the snow,
    You see the same things every month of the year."
    Then Dad would reply: "Yes, I know it, my dear."

    Forty years I have seen the same things, it is true.
    And though they are old, they always seem new,
    For the hands that I clasp, and the friends that I greet,
    Seem a little bit closer each time that we meet."

    Years later I stood at that very same door,
    With good men and true who had entered before,
    I knelt at the alter, and there I was taught
    That virtue and honor can never be bought.

    That the spotless white lambskin all Masons revere,
    If worthily worn grows more precious each year,
    That service to others brings blessings untold,
    That man may be poor tho surrounded by gold.

    I learned that true brotherhood flourishes there,
    That enmities fade 'neath the compass and square,
    That wealth and position are all thrust aside,
    As there on the level men meet and abide.

    So, honor the lambskin, may it always remain
    Forever unblemished, and free from all stain,
    And when we are called to the Great Father's love,
    May we all take our place in that Lodge up above.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
August 2016

  • The Installation of Worship Master Gordon McInnes was a grand event with over 90 brethren and guests. Stay tuned for more photos of the event.

The ladies had morning tea and had some fun with some Trivia games.

It was very nice to see so many visitors. Here are a few of the brethren from Moreton Lodge

There was over 90 people for the Festive Board

The raffles were popular, so many.

Thank you everyone for making this day so special for the new Worshipful Master.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
Installation Notice

  • You are requested to attend the Installation at MYORA LODGE on Saturday 13th August 2016. LODGE TYLES @ 10am.
  • Attire: Winter Dress and White Gloves
  • Transport Arrangements:
    All Brethren and Ladies:- Departure for Myora 8:55am Gold Cat Water Taxi.
    Meet at Toondah Harbour, end of Middle Street Cleveland at 8:30am.
    Bus connection to Myora Lodge from Dunwich.
  • Cost of Installation Banquet, Gold Cat Ferry and Bus: Brethren $25:00 Ladies $5:00
  • Return: Charter Bus 3:25pm to Water Taxi.
  • RSVP: Contact the Secretary 32866625 or 0419 738 429 on or before Wednesday 10th August 2016 (This is essential for catering purposes)

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
July 2016

  • The health of  Wor. Bro. Taylor has deteriorated and he is making the decision to enter a nursing home. If you have the time to visit he would appreciate the visit.
  • As this was the last meeting for Wor. Bro. Bertwistle as our Worshipful Master, Wor. Bro. Lewis thanked on behalf of the Brethren his support toward Myora Lodge also his untiring effort in assisting members at our past working bees.
  • A minutes silence was held in memory of Rt. Wor. Bro. Graham Ewing Past Grand Master.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
June 2016

  • The  Ladies Day Function was held on Tuesday 7th June at the Cleveland RSL and was a lovely day, lots of moving around the table to catch up with everyone's news.
  •  Wor. Bro. Patrick Kennedy celebrated his 70th birthday on the 2nd June. We wish him a very Happy Birthday and many, many more.
  • Sadly a minutes silence was held in memory of Mrs. Barbara Jolly, the beloved sister of Wor. Bro. Raymond Bayley.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
May 2016

  •  Wor. Bro. John Hartly has decided to leave the lodge, he will be missed and we would like to thank him for his past services to this Lodge.
  • A  Ladies Day Function will be held on Tuesday 7th June 2016 at the Cleveland RSL commencing at 11:30 am for 12:00 noon. All are invited to attend. .

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
April 2016

  •  Sadly we needed to observe a minutes silence for Wor. Bro. Stephen Lewis’s son Wayne and also for the passing of Wor. Bro. John Henrickson.
  • Wor.Bro. Gordon Gibson received a forty year distinctive service jewel.
  • The Wor. Master presented a Past Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Certificate to V. Wor. Bro. Alan Taylor and congratulated him on his Elevation. 
  • We would like as many as possible to attend Moreton Lodge for the installation of Bro.Laurie Boss.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
March 2016

  •  Wor.Bro. John Willet received a thirty year distinctive service jewel and lapel pin.

  • We are pleased to hear Pat Kennedy has completed his radiation treatment and should be back on deck next month.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
February 2016

  • Wor.Brother Peter Banach and Brother Keith Redman were happily surprised on receiving their forty and thirty year distinctive service jewels. How wonderful to have such long standing brethren in our lodge.
  • Our best wishes go to Pat Kennedy with his radiation treatment over the next month.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
January 2016

Happy New Year fellow Brethren, where did that last year go? The Worship Master wishes you a healthy and memorable  year.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
December 2015

The Christmas season is upon us and with it a special lunch for the ladies. As the Worshipful Master said " We thank all the ladies for their support through the year and appreciate what they do for us"

Here are a few photos of the ladies enjoying a delicious lunch at the Alex Hotel.

Merry Christmas to all and stay safe traveling on the roads.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
November 2015

A working bee has been carried out to finish of the fence.

I think everyone will agree the Lodge is looking very modern.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
October 2015

Another month has gone by with another well presented exemplefication. (See the WM message for more details)
The front is looking good with some of the front fence piers being rendered in readiness for painting.  Another six Lily Pilly trees were planted in the front. The building is looking very nice.

Wor.Bro Alan Taylor is still in Greenslopes Hospital and is allowed visitors, he is now in the cardiac section at Greenslopes. I'm sure he would enjoy a visit from fellow Brethren.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
September 2015

There were many visitors this month and also a new Festive Board chef. The food was delicious and a really great time was had. Wor.Bro Alan Taylor is still in Greenslopes Hospital and is allowed visitors. He is recuperating slowly.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
August 2015

Worshipful Master Neil Bertwistle of Myora Lodge 517
The installation of Worshipful Master Neil Bertwistle and the election of his officers on Saturday 8th August went well. There were so many brethren and their families that the building was bursting at the seams.

How wonderful to have so many people willing to travel "overseas" by ferry and then by bus, taking them to Point Lookout, all eager to participate in the festivities of the installation. The Lodge Tyled at 10am leaving the wives and friends time to renew friendships from previous occasions.

Chatting, morning tea while making cards one card was kept and the other card was handed back so that they could be donated to Redlands Hospital, Red Cross Auxiliary. The Festive Board once again was delicious and this time it was prepared by Jeanette Bertwistle and Desley Brady.

Marion Gibson
Our dedicated cook for the last few years Marion Gibson has handed in her apron. She was presented with a well deserved plaque of appreciation and the brethren stood and clapped their appreciation.

Entertainment by way of a skit from four of the ladies had everyone chuckling and finished the day off on a high.

Our new Worshipful Master and his lovely wife of Myora Lodge 517


Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
July 2015

Hasn't the weather been cold? It hasn't stopped the working bees though. The side fence and front fence has now been started. Everything is getting done in preparation for the Installation in August. If you will be attending this installation please let the Secretary know in plenty of time.

Myora Supports Education 

Wor Master Patrick Kennedy together with Wor Bro Roger Brady proudly presented three computer notebooks to Dunwich State School on behalf of Myora Masonic Lodge 517 and the Hand, Heart, Pocket, The Charity of Freemasons Queensland to assist students with their ongoing learning skills.

Myora supports education Myora Masonic Lodge 517

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
June 2015

Wor Bro Nigel Boocock's Chair of Sorrow was carried out by the brethren of Myora Lodge and visitors. It was a great turn out with many visitors coming to show their respects. Many of the wives accompanied their husbands and enjoyed a tasty festive board. Wor Bro Bert Kingston gave a very informative and heart rending history on Nigel's achievements as a World Champion speedway rider. He is missed by us all and we wish Cynthia all the best.

Very Wor Bro Alan Taylor is in Greenslopes hospital Ward 21 after a fall at home leaving him with two fractures to his femur. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
May 2015

It as been a busy month for maintenance of the lodge. It is getting new fencing and the gardens are being upgraded. You will be pleasantly surprised when you visit next month.

Memorial Service Notice
 A memorial service is being held on Friday 12th June at Myora Lodge for the passing of a dearly beloved brother Wor Bro Nigel Boocock not only was he a stallwart member of this lodge he was also a world renowned speedway rider who represented Great Britain on many occasions.

If you would like to attend it is imperative that you contact the Secretary on 32866625 no later than Wednesday 10th June as we need to have numbers for catering purposes.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
April 2015

It is with great sadness that friends, family and brothers said their last farewells at the funeral of  Wor. Bro. Nigel Boocock who passed away on 03/04/2015
Born 10/09/1937, Nigel was originally a member of Redlands Lodge No 252.
He was initiated   09/10/1982, Raised 12/02/1983
He affiliated with Myora Lodge No.517, August 20th , 2004. Holding several positions and was the Worshipful Master 2011-2012.

Nigel affiliated with Bayside Daylight Lodge No.523, 10th October 2011.
Nigel and his wife Cynthia used to set up the Lodge Room on Sunday afternoons prior to the meetings on the Monday at the Dance Palais in Thornlands.

Nigel also supported the age home at Moopi Moopi on Sradbroke Island quite often finding items to assist clients who were incapacitated.
Nigel was also a fearless World Champion motor bike rider holding many records in Britain and Australia.

Nigel Boocock world champion motor bike rider and Masonic Lodge member

Wor Bro Boocock will be sadly missed.

Closure of Sherwood Masonic Temple - Another Masonic Temple in Brisbane has closed. Low utilisation, shrinking membership, white ants, and the need to create sustainable income streams were competing reasons for the closure of Sherwood Masonic Temple in Skew Street. Iam sure the members will take countless happy memories from the Skew Street Temple, similar memories they acquired from Taringa, Valley and South Brisbane Temples, all closed for similar reasons. Luckily Myora Lodge should not face this dilemma as it sustains itself by using the venue as a Function Centre.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
March 2015

This month we have been busy fundraising to buy Notebooks for Dunwich State school. The Worshipful Master Pat Kennedy and the secretary Brother Roger Brady visited the school and spoke to the principal. We are now waiting for Grand Lodge to assist us with a dollar for dollar subsidy. The school should be receiving their Notebooks in the next few months.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
February 2015

We are continually getting more and more visitors. This is very heartwarming and we sincerely hope it continues. Those that have been over recently will notice an improvement in the grounds, we have been planting trees and have installed a seat kindly donated by Worship Master Pat Kennedy's wife. This seat has been in her family for many years and was made by her grandfather Anthony James-Wallace. We thank her for parting with something that is very dear to her.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
January 2015

Happy New Year to all brethren far and wide. We started the year with a bar b que full of camaraderie and humour after a relaxing meeting.
Our condolence to the Snide family for their loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
The Worshipful Master Pat Kennedy and brethren are looking forward to another year of fellowship and visitations.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
December 2014

The painting of the exterior has now been completed the Lodge is looking beautiful. The final festive board for 2014 was a very jovial evening with many visitors attending and wishing to return.

The Worshipful Master Pat Kennedy and brethren wish all fellow masons and families and very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay safe and take care on your travels. Myora Lodge Brethren look forward to another good year and welcome all visitors near and far in 2015.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
November 2014

The painting of the rendered brickwork will start on the last week of November. This months meeting was very successful of a First Degree Emulation. Thanks to the Myora Brethren and the visiting brethren that took part. The food for the festive board was prepared by a visiting brother. as our regular cook was on a well deserved holiday.

Also congratulations to Worship Brother Alan Taylor on his 91st birthday and 64 years in the Craft.

During the G20 two of our brethren attended a 2nd degree in Grand Lodge.

Worshipful Brother Alan Taylor and Worshipful Brother Stephen Lewis
Worshipful Brother Stephen Lewis and Worshipful Brother Alan Taylor 

There was a Ladies Lunch on the 27th of this month at the Redlands Sporting Club. It was well attended and gauging from all the hearty laughter I believe everyone enjoyed the day.

There was a ladies raffle that had been put together by Desley Brady which was won by Val Lewis.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
October 2014

Quotes for the painting of the rendered brickwork has been accepted and we are all looking forward to seeing a modern looking Lodge in November

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
September 2014

A working bee of members over a few days planted 15 Lilly Pilly hedge trees and worked around the gardens.  We now have a new look to our building. All the brick work has been rendered and the exterior is now ready for painting. Even with just the rendering the building looks very modern. New down lights were added to the Lodge room and the function area.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
August 2014

Congratulations once again to Wor Bro Patrick Kennedy on his second year as Worshipful Master of Myora Lodge 517 on Stradbroke Island.
The bretheran, family and friends arrived after a short boat trip from Cleveland on Saturday 12th August. The bus taking them to Point Lookout was full of visitors from other Lodges and their wives eager to participate in the festivities of the Proclamation.

This is always a wonderful time for ladies to catch up with others they may not have seen for a while. The tables had been set up beautifully and each person received their own memento of the occasion in the form of a hand made box full of lollies. The ladies manned the doors of the Lodge selling raffle tickets and greeting the visitors.

Once again an area had been set aside for the women's activities and they enjoyed a morning of card making while the men were in the Lodge. Each lady that participated made two Christmas cards. One card was kept and the other card was handed back so that they could be donated to Redlands Hospital, Red Cross Auxiliary.

Everyone came together for a delicious Festive Board which was once again prepared by Marion Gibson.  Four of the ladies put on a short skit that was thoroughly appreciated by everyone. Speeches, cutting of the cake, much socialising and then on the bus to the mainland. A truly wonderful day, full of friendship and hospitality.
Several ladies offered to take photos and these are a few shots of the great time both members and visitors had.

Worshipful Master, officers with V Wor Bro Chris Devine, V Wor Bro Klopp AGSW  Myora Lodge Stradbroke Island Worshipful Master and his officers from Myora Lodge Stradbroke Island Memento box of lollies for everyone Myora Lodge Stradbroke Island V Wor Bro Keith Dwyer, James Wilke, Christina Wilke at Myora Lodge Point Lookout Stradbroke Island Brethren, visitors and ladies for the Proclamation at Myora Lodge 517 Stradbroke Island Desley Brady and Maria Devine Myora Lodge Stradbroke Island Brethren of Myora Lodge and visitors, Point Lookout Stradbroke Island Brethren of Myora Lodge and wives at Myora Lodge Stradbroke Island Brethren of Myora Lodge and visitors at Myora Lodge Stradbroke Island Visiting wives and visitors at Myora Lodge Point Lookout Stradbroke Island Myora Lodge raffle prizes Point Lookout Stradbroke Island Myora Lodge table setting at Point Lookout Function Centre. Great for weddings Myora Lodge top table for Proclamation of Wor Bro Patrick Kennedy Point Lookout Stradbroke Island Wor Master Patrick Kennedy's Wife Zena and grandchildren at Myora Lodge Point Lookout Stradbroke Island
Handing over The Mullet to Bayside Daylight Lodge
Handing over The Mullet to Bayside Daylight Lodge
Zena Kennedy, Maria Devine, Mrs Bertwistle and visitor Visiting wives at Myora Lodge Point Lookout Stradbroke Island

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
July 2014

July is now upon us and we are getting ready for our August Installation. This year it will be a Proclamation of Worshipful Brother Patrick Kennedy.
Please make sure that if you are coming to this event, that you have contacted our Secretary for catering purposes.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
June 2014

Thank you to the ladies. Without our ladies helping us and being a big part in organising events we would not be such a happy club. As a thank you, the ladies were taken out to a special lunch. We had a delicious meal and everyone had a chance to catch up.

June also saw some gardening done around the front of the building. 15 Lillypilly trees were planted to enhance the front of the building.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
May 2014

What a happy friendly meeting for May. It was a small meeting and the Brethren enjoyed the two lectures delivered. The visiting brethren enjoyed the night and will be returning next month for some more enjoyable times. We had another sociable Festive Board and once again the food was delicious. We are lucky to have our meals prepared by one of our members wives and she takes great care to make sure we have the best. A very successful and pleasant evening.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
April 2014

We had a very successful meeting for April. It was a First Degree Emulation and the Brethren would like to thank the visiting brethren for taking some of the required positions. It was great to have a happy joyful Lodge. We had a good Festive Board and once again the food was delicious. Several of our visitors won the raffles. A very successful and pleasant evening.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
March 2014

Because of the change of positions the First Degree practice was held after our regular meeting. There were several visitors that gave us advice which we are very grateful for. From the visitations over the last month there has been more visitors from other Lodges now attending our meetings. We are looking forward to more new visitors for our April First Degree Emulation.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
February 2014

There has been a change to several positions due to some resignations. Bro Stephen Lewis has taken the position as Treasurer for the remainder of this term. WB Gordon Gibson is now Secretary for the remainder of this term. WB Roger Brady is now Senior Warden for the remainder of this term and WB Peter Bannock is now Senior Deacon also for the remainder of this term. The Worshipful Master wishes them well in these positions.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
January 2014

The Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Myora Lodge wish everyone a Happy New Year and look forward to many visits and visiting throughout the year.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
December 2013

The Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Myora Lodge wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and may we keep the Christmas spirit throughout the year.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
November 2013

The Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Myora Lodge congratulate Worship Brother Alan Taylor on his 90th birthday and 63 years in the Craft.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
October 2013

Each year cards are made for our Troops serving overseas. These Christmas cards are made to send overseas so that they have cards to send home for their families and friends. It must be a hard time for our brave men and women to be away from their loved ones. The ladies were invited to come to the Worshipful Masters home to help make cards for the troops. It was a good opportunity of the ladies getting to know each other a little better away from the Lodge surroundings and at the same time do something worthwhile for the community.

Such a lovely day for a few of the ladies. These are a few of the Christmas cards that were made for the Australian Troops overseas.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
September 2013

When a person is in cardiac arrest, time is of the essence. Mere minutes can be the difference between full recovery, and death or permanent damage. For this reason, a portable defibulator is a key piece of equipment in any emergency response kit. Most if not all ambulances, and many police cars, have an external defibulator. However, because it can take several minutes for an emergency responder to get on the scene and treat somebody in cardiac arrest with their heart defibulator, many communities are purchasing their own. The Bowls Club and Myora Masonic Lodge now share a brand new defibulator.

Point Lookout Function Centre formal occasion
August 2013

Installation of Pat Kennedy at the Point Lookout Function Centre and Masonic Lodge this venue can be hired for weddings and formal occasions Congratulations to Wor Bro Patrick Kennedy on being installed as Worshipful Master of Myora Lodge 517 on Stradbroke Island
On Saturday 11th August Myora Lodge No 517 welcomed brothers, family and friends to the installation of the new Worshipful Master Patrick Kennedy.

Arriving on the Island after a short boat trip on the Straddie Flyer and then heading to Point Lookout by bus. The Lodge had been recently revamped and was looking wonderful. The tables had been professionally set up by the islands local wedding planner. The ladies of the Lodge had everything organised with tables set up for the ticket sales and raffles. It all came together so beautifully thanks to the hard work of the ladies.

An area had been set aside for the women's activities and enjoyed a morning of card making while the men were in the Lodge. Each lady that participated made two Christmas cards. One card was kept and the other card was handed back so that it could be boxed up and given to Ronald McDonald House.
Everyone came together for a delicious Festive Board which was once again prepared by Marion Gibson. Speeches, socialising and cutting of the cake and then on the bus to the mainland. A wonderful day, full of friendship and hospitality.
Glennis Corley did a wonderful job of capturing the day, she is a dab hand at photography. These are a few of the shots she took.

Installation of Pat Kennedy at the Point Lookout Function Centre and Masonic Lodge
All the brothers after the installation

Photographs taken at the installation - click on a photo to enlarge
 A Stradbrokeislandevent A stradbrokeislandevent for Pat Kennedy A Stradbrokeislandevent venue hire A Stradbrokeislandevent at Point Lookout Functions Centre Pat and Zena Kennedy at StradbrokeISlandEvent Point Lookout Function CentreVenue Hire Point Lookout Function Centre for weddingsFamily celebrating at the Point Lookout Function Centre  Card making at Point Lookout Function Centre this venue can be hired for weddings